Advantages for maritime actors
Our unique understanding of maritime digitalization and tailored solutions provide our customers with faster port calls, better decision-making and highly improved situational awareness.
Transitioning to a sustainable maritime industry is at the center of our vision.
Most accurate and reliable event predictions
Neutral and secure platform keeping the data you share safe
Artificial Intelligence Solutions
Awake's AI and Analytics team is dedicated to solving the most complex maritime logistics challenges by creating tailored analytics, machine learning, and optimization solutions. We have developed an MLOps solution that allows for the automation and orchestration of complex analytics and machine learning workflows. This solution can be applied to general data analytics tasks that benefit from automated, cloud-based parallel processing, such as computing traffic and emission analytics from large historical datasets.
Additionally, the cloud-based MLOps infrastructure enables robust, fully automated machine learning model training and updates, allowing us to scale our ML solutions globally with minimal manual effort from the development team. It also facilitates seamless integration with the microservices that leverage the models within the Awake.AI platform.​​
Online Traffic Events Monitoring
The Awake.AI traffic event monitoring service offers fully automated, continuous, and customizable monitoring of vessel traffic events worldwide. This includes tracking vessel arrival and departure times for areas of interest such as ports, berths, anchorages, canals, emission control zones, or any custom-defined regions. Tracked areas can be associated with key metadata, such as official SMDG terminal codes for berth events. Key use cases for the service include providing near real-time notifications of vessel arrivals in critical areas globally, automated logging of actual event times and area occupancies, and monitoring the usage of sensitive areas with emission restrictions.

The traffic event monitoring service can be enabled for vessel fleets on a per-customer basis. Automated data analytics is applied to learn and maintain area specifications globally, down to the individual berth level.
Vessel Voyage Predictions
Our voyage services offer continuous global predictions for vessel voyages. This includes, for example, predicting vessel destinations, routes, and arrival times at any waypoints of interest along the current voyage, updated at 15-minute intervals. We also provide additional voyage analytics, such as predicted fuel consumption and CO2 emissions for the remaining journey, automated global identification of liner schedules between ports, and multihop predictions for sequences of port visits for short sea vessels by integrating data from port community and maritime single window systems.
Typical use cases of our voyage prediction services include improving visibility for upcoming port calls to aid port operations planning, predicting congestion, providing accurate and unbiased estimates of vessel arrival times at critical voyage waypoints, and continuously monitoring the schedule status of vessels in customer fleets (early / on time / late). More information about our approach to vessel voyage predictions can be found here.

Example: visualization of voyage predictions for vessels under way to the Panama Canal, as provided by the Awake.AI voyage services.
Large-Scale Traffic Analytics
Awake.AI's MLOps workflows automate complex data analyses, delivering key statistics and performance indicators for port and vessel operations. Updated daily, reports include, for example, berth usage and capacity, vessel anchorage times, estimated CO2 emissions by port call and location, and port call planning accuracy. Reports can be provided in various data formats as needed, with access options ranging from application programming interfaces (APIs) to fully customized interactive web dashboards.

Awake.AI's automated analytics services and dashboards provide up-to-date statistics and key performance indicators (KPIs) for ports and vessel fleets. These include, for example, berth and anchorage area utilization, vessel waiting time statistics, emissions by location, and port call planning accuracy. The figure below shows a sample web dashboard: the top section presents an interactive timeline view of all vessel visits by berth, including port traffic restrictions, while the bottom section features an interactive map detailing individual vessel emission events in the port area.
Just-in-Time Planning Support Analytics
Just-in-Time (JIT) scheduling is recognized by the IMO as a key component of port call optimization and a driver for making the industry more sustainable. We offer a range of analytics services to support JIT schedule optimization. To help ports and terminals assess the potential benefits of adopting a JIT scheduling process, we provide customized analyses of vessel traffic at the port of interest over the past 12 months, identifying scenarios where vessels experienced potentially avoidable waiting times. For those already implementing JIT optimization, we offer services that continuously monitor arriving vessel schedules and port call plans for the target port or terminal, providing notifications and schedule adjustment proposals when JIT optimization potential is identified.

Overview of JIT potential across all berth visits for three example ports, distinguished by color. Solid lines represent the potential assuming that port traffic restrictions are considered in schedule planning, while dashed lines represent the potential without this assumption, meaning that waiting time due to port traffic restrictions is excluded from the estimated JIT potential.

Our JIT optimization services track vessel voyage progress and planned port call schedules to identify opportunities for schedule optimization. They also provide continuous estimates of potential savings in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by adjusting vessel arrival times.