The launch of the new digital Berth Planner tool, Allberth, is underway at the largest port in Scandinavia. The first to use this new smart service is Port Control – which receives all calls at the Port of Gothenburg – and the safety and security coordinators at the Energy Terminal. External users will gradually join the system.
“Allberth is long-awaited and much sought after. With Allberth we now have a berth planning tool that can make calls smarter, safer, and considerably more efficient for all concerned. And reduced emissions from the vessels are an obvious benefit in climate terms,” said Fredrik Rauer, traffic coordinator and project leader for Berth Planner at the Gothenburg Port Authority.
One of the most striking advances to emerge from Allberth is the ability to quickly and effectively identify berths that are vacant and then act on that information. This has made the call system considerably easier and offers a unique overview. Not only can those involved improve their resource planning, but the reduction in waiting times ultimately also leads to lower emissions.
“We can now use the same tool to examine the safety parameters to determine whether a ship can moor at a specific berth, to position the ship, and to plan the time. We can also show external parties the calls that have been coordinated with the terminal and the calls for which we only have an approved vessel notification.
Without this status distinction, it will appear as if we have two or three moored vessels overlapping and an outsider would logically put this down to scheduling problems.
With Allberth we can give mooring personnel, the ship’s agent, and the terminal the opportunity to act immediately on the information that we visualize in the application,”
said Fredrik Rauer.

Fact file: Allberth
Allberth offers two-way integration – for in-house use by berth planning personnel at the Port of Gothenburg and for external use by the various parties involved in calls. Allberth is more powerful and more comprehensive than anything that was previously available. Traffic coordinators at Port Control, safety and security coordinators at the Energy Terminal, and the port’s production planners now have a schematic overview at their disposal. It is similar in many ways to a traditional school timetable, where a note is made of which ships are moored at the different berths. Using the map service, a time slot is chosen for a specific berth, allowing operatives to see which vessel is due to moor at a particular berth at a particular time. In certain instances, we can also see the planned position at the quayside.
Prompt and accurate information to key players is fundamental in an efficient call system. This is where the second part of Allberth comes into play. Allberth provides rapid status information to external parties, including the pilots, personnel at the mooring company, and the ship’s agent, all of whom have a key role to play. The system ensures greater accuracy and predictability, making it more time-efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally smart.
Allberth is the result of collaboration between the Finnish company Awake.AI, which is responsible for developing the service, and the Gothenburg Port Authority. It will be the first step in the task of increasing transparency and visualization of the call system. It will also be a vital element in the ongoing digitalization of the port as a freight hub and a key area for the Port of Gothenburg as it continues its journey into a digitalized world.
Allberth and further digitalization of the call system will contribute to improving the efficiency of the system as a result of enhanced resource utilization and a more transparent flow of information – factors that can help save time and reduce bunkering emissions.
About Port of Gothenburg
The Port of Gothenburg is the largest port in Scandinavia and the gateway to the world for a large proportion of Swedish industry. The Port of Gothenburg is strategically located on the west coast of Sweden. Some 70 per cent of industry and the population of Scandinavia fall within a radius of 500 km. The area also includes three capital cities – Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm. Almost 30 percent of Swedish foreign trade passes through the port. The Port of Gothenburg has container, ro-ro, car, passenger and oil and energy terminals. Exports comprise mainly steel, vehicles and forest products as well as paper, pulp and timber products. Imports are largely in the form of consumer goods such as clothes, furniture, food and electronics.
About Awake.AI
Awake.AI is a software platform company building an ecosystem for smart ports and shipping. Awake.AI’s mission is to lead the transition to sustainable and intelligent maritime logistics and reduce global shipping emissions with our ecosystem partners. The platform is the first of its kind, built from the ground up to accommodate seamless collaboration within the entire maritime logistics chain by sharing situational awareness and providing AI-supported predictions for future planning. The API’s and applications built on top of the Awake platform are available for customers and third parties using the subscription business model.
Media contact
If you have any press inquiries, please contact:
Fredrik Rauer, Allberth Project Leader, and Traffic Coordinator, Gothenburg Port Authority
Phone: 031-368 76 10 SMS: 0728-56 66 00
Justina Li, Marketing Director, Awake.AI
Phone: +35 850 462 3977