December 2024
Developing a new digital network to better manage supply chain disruptions and carbon dioxide emissions.

The VWT initiative was launched as a research and innovation project funded by Vinnova and SMI in February 2023. This first phase of VWT will be finalized at the end of 2024, by launching the VWTnet prototype and a membership based not-for-profit international trust designed by and for the industry.
“Awake.AI’s vision and development is aligned with the Virtual Watch Tower. We have analytics, planning, and optimisation solutions supporting all modes of transport and for representatives of all types of transport nodes.”, Karno Tenovuo, CEO, Awake.AI
About the VWT:
In 2022, RISE and Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI) signed a collaboration agreement. The first collaborative project under the umbrella of this partnership is VWT, led by RISE, A*STAR, and VTT. VWT is a community-driven, digitally empowered initiative, a cargo ownerdriven, and terminal-centric solution for improved supply chain management. The initiative aims to create visibility based on primary operational data shared across the supply chain ecosystem and its participating actors, VWTnet.
To learn more about the VWT network initiative, visit