Awake.AI is the leading AI partner optimizing truck turnaround times and easing congestion at the ports of Valencia and Livorno Mobile computing, Al analytics, and cloud computing fueled by the Internet of Things(IoT) are transforming and digitizing almost every sector, and supply chains are no exception. The 7,9 M€ funded iNEGIOUS project is a collaborative effort of 21 partners to accelerate digital transformation and IoT application adoption. iNGENIOUS is an EU-funded project that aims to re-design the processes of future supply chains. The project will exploit some of the most innovative emerging technologies such as 5G technology, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, virtual and augmented reality to build a complete platform for the supply chain management.

Awake.AI is the leading AI partner tasked to optimize truck turnaround times in Valencia and Livorno ports. Awake.AI will develop predictive models and optimization for truck turnaround times utilizing port area and vehicle tracking sensors, port community systems data, and vessel automatic identification system data. “These types of predictive models are essential not only to manage congestion in the port area but also to understand the factors contributing to the increase in turnaround time. Awake.AI’s predictive models are significant and essential for the optimization of port operations.” – says Awake.AI VP of AI & Analytics, Dr. Jussi Poikonen. The iNGENIOUS project partners will collaborate with Fundacion Valenciaport, Universitat Politecnica Valencia, and CNIT (National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications). Awake.AI will utilize the Awake platform in the iNGENIOUS project to create a shared economy to benefit all supply chain actors. The Awake.AI platform will allow truck traffic information visualization within the ports and enable data sharing for truck locations, congestion predictions, and recommended schedules. The platform approach maximizes collaboration among supply chain actors and creates a single source of truth. Other project partners will have access to this information and benefit from the platform and ecosystem approach. About iNGENIOUS
iNGENIOUS (Next-GENeration IoT sOlutions for the Universal Supply chain) is an EU-funded project that aims to re-design future supply chains’ processes. The project will exploit some of the most innovative and emerging technologies such as 5G technology, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, virtual, and augmented reality. It will also propose technical and business enablers to build a complete platform for supply chain management. Formed by 21 partners from 8 countries, including telecommunications vendors and manufacturers, logistic partners, universities, research institutes, and high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises, the project will address interoperability between IoT and blockchain platforms for transport. More information about the iNGENIOUS project can be found here. About Awake.AI
Awake.AI is a software platform company building an ecosystem for smart ports and shipping. Awake.AI’s mission is to lead the transition to sustainable and intelligent maritime logistics and reduce global shipping emissions with our ecosystem partners. The platform is the first of its kind, built from the ground up to accommodate seamless collaboration within the entire maritime logistics chain by sharing situational awareness and providing AI-supported predictions for future planning. The API’s and applications built on top of the Awake platform are available for customers and third parties using the subscription business model.
Learn more about Awake.AI Media contact: Justina Li +358 50 462 3977